Conform to the image of Christ, death to our old nature releases resurrection into new life.

Spiritual Sonship

We keep returning to the centre which is Christ in all we do for God, in the local church, in networking and spreading the Gospel.
His energy gives us the desire to be His luminaries and to fulfil His will and good pleasure in the earth. The more we work out our salvation – being more like Jesus – the more we can access His will and download that energy and force to fulfil it.
Meekness is placing one’s strength under God’s control. Picture: Horse drawing the King’s carriage.

Christ Our Life

Let his story continue in our service and sacrifice to ensure the sharing of the Gospel and impartation of the grace of Christ! Christ is our life, and we enjoy acknowledging Christ in each other.
[caption id="attachment_17884" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Learn how to do well like Jesus[/caption] You Do All Things Well Preached by Apostle Aje Pelser, Harvester Reformational Church, Cape Town, 15th Dec. 2024 They…

Christ in You

Focus on Christ within versus outward things. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Matt. 6:33; Rom. 14:17

Agents of Fire

As I advance your kingdom in people’s lives, we trample on every serpent and scorpion that seeks to destroy. I rejoice with you in advance seeing darkness flee from your light and release your spinning dance of victory in my life today! Amen!

Legacy of Faith

1. See and believe God and His promises by faith. Hebrews 11:13,14 2. Be assured of His promises. 3. Learn to embrace His Word of Promise daily. 4. Develop a habit of confessing that you are a citizen of heaven, passing through this world as a stranger and pilgrim.